You may not understand what the hosts are saying, but it's so fucking hilarious!
"Monte Carlo", a casual/mainstrem program on DR P3 radio was earlier today victim for 3 minutes sabotage. No one knew what was going on, why , who or how. Neither the hosts or technicians could turn it off.
The best part is when the two hosts panic and blame Anonymous xD Just check it out :)
If any of you are into hacking, try this on your local mainstream radiostation \m/
You can Google translate the official story. They found the problem; it was not a sabotage, just a computertest that went wrong :)
SATANS OGSÅ! Jeg hørte ikke montecarlo den dag der men jeg er ellers en trofast lytter.
Haha, de håndterede situationen rimelig godt. Det må man give dem!
De håndterer altid situationen godt
Sounds like devildriver \m/ "When karma keeps coming around, comin around, comin around"
I feel raped, says the gurgling from Peter Falktoft afterwards
Yea... I think he'd know if he had been raped...