Danish/European prices

I'm so sick of watching a tech episode on either: Tek syndicate, Linus tech, Newegg or TOT. Not because of the tech stuff, but because of the prices on technical stuff! Here in Denmark a gtx 770 costs more than a gtx 780 costs in the states. That makes it really frustrating to be planning to build a hardcore pc for editing and gaming. So if you think the prices are high in USA, just think of Europe and you will feel much better.

that's how it always have been (cheaper in US). I Think the reason is that we have higher taxes etc,

And we cant import due to taxes...  However here in Sweden a 770 is a bit cheaper than a 780 in US.

Yeah... It really sucks


Yeah they f.... suck!Croatia just got in EU and i was hoping for better prices cause of the no customs and all that but no FU the shops to buy stuff here are insane!(trying to buy mech keyboard here lol CM Tk about 80 to 90$ in states but here almost double ,and if i go on ebay shipping is like rip of.) sad very sad.

Indeed :)

I had always wandered why this was happening. I live in Spain and the coversion $ to € is 1-1 every time even when dolar is 33-34% cheaper than Euro. 

The answer is simple. and it is divided into three points.

First: prices in the US are displayed with no taxes. that means if you buy a GPU you have to pay the taxes of the state you are living (which varies) (Alaska, South Dakota, Florida, Nevada, Texas, Washington and Wyoming have no local taxes as far as I know) 

Second: Every international transaction has to be backed (not by obligation but by security) by an international commerce insurance. wich takes more or less about a 5-6% of the value of your transaction. 

Third: Direct taxes over goods in Europe are incredibly High. For example in Spain where I live everything we buy has a 21% of taxes (fuel has like a 60%)

So if we sum  the lack of taxes in the USA prices plus the transaction insurances plus the European taxes the difference happens to be... OVER NINE THOUSAND! (and this is with out taking into account the double export of some goods which are taken from china to USA and from USA to Europe... and that increases even more the prices) 

P.d: At least we don't pay extra fees for imports thanks to International agreements with China and USA. 


Thank you for the reply... I had no idea! Furthermore the taxes in Denmark probably also adds a fair bit since we have some of the highest taxes in the world. If not the highest :'(

Well that's not neccesarily a bad thing, In Europe we have one of the best (if not the best) puclic education, health and a long list of etceteras because we pay high taxes.

Everything depends on what you find better. Having lower prices or having a better education for everyone, nice health systems, also good public transport, public retirement, economic compensations when you get fired... 

It is funny that we envy US for having low prices and US envys us for having nice public services. Maybe it is because non of us knows at what real cost that comes at.