Daisy Chaining Internet

Hey ya'll,

I just rearranged my room (which has 3 computers in it), and I don't have a long enough ethernet (Cat6) cord to reach my main rig (1) from my router.

I have a computer (2) close enough to my main rig (1) with a wireless card build into it and an open gigabit port.

Is there a way I can use the wireless connection and "daisy chain" the internet to my main rig (1) while having the computer (2) able to run normally?



PS - I added numbers after the computer names to hopefully make it easier to tell what I am asking.

yes, bridging your wifi/ethernet network connections to share one internet connection is possible but, i can also guarantee you a headache in the future that can be remedied by simply spending 30 bucks on an ethernet cable though.

Thanks for the reply,

Just an update/hint for others who are looking into the issue,

I've got the system on internet through windows 'Internet Connection Sharing.'

It was a pain, but free :P


try less than 10 after shipping, for a 30ft cable


getting cat6 for home use is like using an i7 for a gaming rig.... extra $$$$ that really won't make a diff

now, for a datacenter, it's reasonable. but most househole internet isn't gonna be 100mbit, let alone more than a gigabit....