Cyberpunk 2077 - news?

Yeah I know. But people want features and not DRM, it is the easiest way to get across that Gameworks is terrible.

@anon5205053 that's good to hear.

I think it's in their best interests to learn as much as possible from W3 and then apply the knowledge to Cyberpunk 2077.

yea agree with the hype :P But i cant help but be pumped for the implications..... New sci-fi, with a good studio, with experience. the potential for fuck ups is of course there..... But i can only dream. Love the concepts it could promote..... i am a big fan of the future of tech, and i think that there is a massive consensus among modern day productions (be it film/game etc) to be 'less radical' in their predictions about what will occur.... i think there seems to be this stigma attatched to predicting the future of tech due to the condescention in society post 70/80/and even 90s in their predictions of the future no happening at the predicted rate, and the use of this as justification to dismiss those that try to espouse valid predictions.... which is disenchanting, considering the role that great sci fi has had in promoting technological evolution throughout the last 60-70 years..... i mean so many things that were 'radical' have come to fruition/are now theoritically possible, and it does a great disservice to the modern individuals perception to the potential implications of technology on society.... i mean, it propagates a mentality that the future should NOT be predicted and thought about, and this is inherintly dangerous....

I personally study Government and psychology with an interest in technology and the implications it will have on society and consequently governmental structures/frameworks, and the more i inbestigate it, the more i realise that people do not fullly comprehend the significance of breakthroughs that are occurring today that will have serious ramifications, not in 20-30-50 years time, but within the next 10-20 years... and it is scary, as planning for these eventualities is important in making informed, decisive policies that will reap a long term benefit for our socities. One such example, is the misrepresentation of privacy concerns (in the USA and elsewhere) where the majority of people fo not understand the increasing 'physicality' of the vitual world, and how it can, and does, impact severly on the physical world, and this will only increase. People understand vaguely, but they do not fully comprehend the future implications, as the attached stigma of predicting how we will use/interact with the future world and technology remains virtual and not physically associated with our persons.... i think this is a forum where, the majority DO understand this, and the reason i 'hope' that this game will bring a proper look at the possible future is important, as it has the potential to make it more 'mainstream' and get people to question the implications of todays policies...

But i can only hope, and rant. :P

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Some recent tiny morsels of Cyberpunk news:

CD Projekt Red: 'Cyberpunk 2077 is far, far bigger than The Witcher 3'

Best part:
Unsurprisingly, Teixeira refused to give any clues regarding a potential release window for the title.
β€œThe name of the game is Cyberpunk 2077, and we usually say the release date is 2077,” he joked.
r/games discussion:

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