Custom Length Ethernet Cables

I appear to have an addiction. I discovered custom length patch cables today and I’ve gone on a buying spree

i build my own. cheaper and moar fun.


I was going to say.. building your own is really easy, plus cheaper.

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For what you spent on the cables you could probably buy the tools and some bulk cable and made more cables than what you bought

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Could be but at around a buck a cable it's a lot easier to order them then to buy 500ft of cable and spend all night making my own.

please provide link cause at a buck a cable you are probably getting cat5 for what is supposed to be cat6.

Cat5e. free shipping. grabbed a half dozen each 8", 12", 4 each of the 4' and 2' . I did an original order of 3 and 4 footers and the cable/boot/clips were all really good quality so I got so more. I've got about 8 machines on the test shelf and then additional servers and my workstation and wiring in my dungeon is a bloody mess. Getting the power and the network cabling sorted will clean up a terrible rats nest.

When I look at how tidy some people can get their labs and compare it to the disaster that mine is it is kind of embarassing.

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Copy report back if you remember and let us know if they achieve gigbait speeds and look like they are properly made.

Given that the distance between my switch and workstation is about 4' ( 8' return) and Cat5e is spec'ed for 100meter at 1GBe I don't have any tool that could differentiate good cable from bad electrically. The cable insulation, the clips and the boots are good quality. After that they are patch cables. Much better than going and buying connectors at home depot.


I die a little inside when I realize I need to crimp my own cable.