Custom dashboard / combining webpages

Dear people of the forum,

FIrst of all I’m not really sure if this is the right place to ask but here goes:
I have several web-based diagnostic dashboards of several different applications.
My goal would be to consolidate all this data in a nice package on 1 place.

-Network diagnostic web page
-Home automation web page
-Camera web page
into 1 web page with the main elements of all of the above.
Something that is easily expandable and customisable.
Also it should be something I can run locally, as things like home automation and camera’s aren’t things I want exposed to the internet.

I’m pretty sure something like this already exists, I just can’t find it.


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If you just want to collate multiple sites into one view, look at iFrames.

<iframe id="exampleFrame" src="" frameborder="0">

You can add additional sizing and what not to format it to a certain size. (say using viewport sizing to get automagic scaling).

Note: Some sites may use what are refered to as “Frame Killers” which stop this sort of thing from working. But I’ve only really come across this from sites provided by the chocolate factory and video streaming platforms.

If you are looking to relocate logs and get some nice statistics. Take a look at a Grafana (and TIG stacks)

EDIT: Just to note, the viewports can run from just a local HTML file so no need to even host it anywhere.

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Hi, thanks for the advice.
Guess I’ll have to learn HTML (yes, I know its about time)

Just tried this test thingy and it seems to work
it said refused to connect, so is that this kind of ‘frame killer’?
I’ll look into the viewport scaling you mentioned this weekend.

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No Problem.
Yes, does block their use. (if you ironically google “frame killer” there are a few examples on about it (usually using jQuery))

You can implement a google search box if you want, by using a text box as an input and the a submit button that appends your query to (however you need to replace spaces with + and use something like PHP urlencode() for special characters)

accessing google wasn’t really my end-goal so no problem :stuck_out_tongue:
its usually just the go-to test page