CSS Beta

I hate this shit. It's going to be like TF2. Meaning I can't bhop, trikz, air strafe, surf in the good ole CSS fashion, and it's going to be utterly gay.Â

Also, fuck Hidden Path Studios. I swear to Satan I will sell my PC if this goes through.


Where did you found this out?

Gotta fucking love threads where some random douchebags begin ranting about something only that person know of. MAYBE EXPLAIN A LITTLE for fucks sake.

There we go, just wasted 5 minutes on my life googling it..

Also who the fuck cares about bunnyhop and surf.. its for pussies

It's the latest Steam headline.. lol.

Also, only n00bs don't exploit opportunities.

It's just a rumor that that will happen though, but it is getting Source Engine 15...

Source Engine 15? Are you making fun of how many times they update that piece of trash engine? Or is it seriously 15?

Hidden Path? What's you problem with 'em? They made the best tower defense casual game ever, lol.

I do not own CSS, so I can't f***ing care.

Neither do I, 1.6 is better anyway.

It's seriously 15. Just like TF2 and Portal. Which is a COMPLETE SHIT engine. Fuck graphics, fuck FOV, fuck motion blur. CSS has the best gameplay, but now it's fucked.

No, the best gameplay was, and is, CS 1.6.
The fucking guns in Source... You can fucking sprint and that god damn reticule won't change position in the slightest. They raped away all of the tactical gameplay, with better accuracy. Fuck that game. It can't get worse.

It seems that when ever something new comes out this site hates it.

I don't play for tactics, I don't play reg. I play trikz. Reg is fer noobs.


I don't think that's our fault. I think it's the fault of the world and what it has come to.

I don't play for tactics, I don't play reg. I play trikz. Reg is fer noobs.


I don't think that's our fault. I think it's the fault of the world and what it has come to.

No, it's just that Sonata is a cynical piece of shit.

I'm not the huge CS-fan, but all I can say is: <1.6

Well, im positive for a update to newer source engine..

Well from a competetive standpoint the update isn't looking too good. I don't know if they will have a way to disable all of this for league play. I don't know if it's the servers fault but I'm guessing that's a good part of the fuck ups that the reg is actually considerably worse and the strafing just feels fast and makes it too hard to aim, unless that's just because of the server accel settings which it may be. All the new features seem to make the game be geared further to a pub game than an actual competetive game, personally, I don't want this, but I know there are a lot more people that would welcome it with open arms.

How about a totally new engine? Haha, it's time, Valve.
But, updates are good.

yeah, valve needs a new engine for sure.... some parts of source look great, some look like shit, some look average, its too inconsistent.

They should be making a new engine soon im sure. They can't just release Half Life 3 on the Source Engine. That would be ridiculous.

its valve we are talking about here!