CS:S Transformation

If any of you guys like TF2's cartoon look,

then take a look at some of these CS:S skins.

Enjoy, ^^

















i dunno i was going to look but ur avatar is scareing me

LOL, I was thinking the exact same thing

good. xD

you guys are mean.

it's true, your avatar scares people (made my nephew cry) but those skins arent that different from the original maps.

jeeze, enough with this avatar nonsense...

And, yea it isn't that much different, but it's something to mess around with.

I had fun with the skins for a while.

If it wasn't black and white it wouldn't be so bad xD

lol, but my story is true

why is this forum about my avatar!!?!?

...It is about skins. Not me.

lmao, you guys are jerks. xD

Well, you have skin. :P

*throws brick at Dewality*

lol, (guys check this out) *cries* i dont want to die!!!!!! (received a text message with this avatar picture)

Lol, stop picking on his avatar already, it's gone far enough! thats borderline cruel! xD


...Thanks Dewality. ^^

This is funny


Personally i hate the second pack, it makes everything look FAT

Fat is gay.


i don't think everything looks fat.

Maybe they stretched the picture on the website or something, lol.
