CS GO Noob Raging

Some notes... I am a distinguished master guardian, and I was playing with my real life friends who are silver 5, and nova 1. So we were playing nova 4's and master guardians. This is a message one of the people sent me.

I removed his name but left mine in. If anyone wants to play just let me know. Let me know what you think about this dude lol. 


: Just wanted to congratulate you on being an asshole
: Props to you
: im sure beating nova 4s
: was just life changing
: You are truely unique in your rank
: and you should continue to ruin peoples game
: games*
Hitemlow: you are welcome to spec my games
: No see thats the things
: I dont want to learn from you
: I dont give a flying shit about you
: I wanted to play against people my rank
: challenge people who are like me
: where they have an equal chance and I have one as well
: instead the 3 games I won
: tonight
: and the 1 game I was away from ranking up
: and being happy
: Just know
: you took that away from e
: because you wanted to play with your silver and nova friends
: not to have fun either
: no but to show them just how great you are
: and god knows you werent teaching them
: cause both you and I know that is not how a low rank learns
: you know how they do?
: Playing people their rank
: So thanks for smurfing
: I really do appreciate it
: and I hope you continue to feel great about yourself
: Oh kind god
Hitemlow: smurfing is with a new act get it right
: Smurfing is playing people who are lower rank then you
: Whether it is with a new account orn ot
: You knew you would be playing people who were lower ranks then you
: and you knew you would do well
: regardless of what you call it
: You are whats wrong with matchmaking
: and now the hours I just put into trying to get to MG2
: are now ruined because of you
Hitemlow: google your name in a few days. this is to funny not to put online.
: so again
: thanks
: Just remember. When you put it online and realize you are the asshole here.
: You will not be laughing
: Either way
: I am now deleting you
 is now Offline.

he mad bro

i also love how he doesn't understand the words he's using, how people learn, how elo works...

Rank doesn't mean much in that game.