CS:GO Mouse accel no matter what

So like I said cs:go i nerfed shit, even with acceleration turned off in game, and raw mouse input enabled ( which isn't raw mouse input) I still random ass positive and negative acceleration. 

Even with this start up flags that "used" to work 

-noforcemaccel -noforcemparms -noforcemspd

Because being able to aim isn't important 


try this

already have it <3 

bump, and found out, there is no way. Awesome

You're just bad get over it.

This^. You've been complaining about CS:GO on this forum for months, perhaps it's time to stop trying to play it.

you know when i find a game i don't like i do this; i move the game to a special folder in my steam library called "shitty"

and here's the secret *wisper* i don't open that folder

lol not trying to prove my skill in this post at all, just saying it's a hell of a lot easier to aim with raw input were I don't have to fight shitty game mechanics. But seriously read the name. I'm the best 


"I'm not your average FPS player. I pubstomp and play competitively. If you are on the other team, good luck. I am probably going to ruin your day." lol  YEE BUDDY I PUBSTOMP BF3 YEEE I'M HARD YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, everyone has a game they can crush in, no need to be so cocky, inb4 thebest

You are doing something wrong. I am no pro gamer but I I've been playing FPS games for years and most of my time goes into tweaking and modding the games. So I am somewhat OK when it comes to game settings.

There is config.cfg file in X:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg

There you can tweak most of the game settings. Everything that sarts with "m_" is a mous setting.

Below are my values if you are interested. And with those I got consistent results(with only like 2% difference but I put this me not being a pro gamer and having some irregular movement in my arm during the test) over 32cm mousepad.



m_customaccel "0"

m_customaccel_exponent "1.00"

m_customaccel_max "0"

m_customaccel_scale "0.00"

m_forward "1"

m_mouseaccel1 "0"

m_mouseaccel2 "0"

m_mousespeed "1"

m_pitch "0.022"

m_rawinput "1"

m_side "0.8"

m_yaw "0.022"


Well silly me, I should have know that the in game options to disable acceleration don't work , and that I have to put in these settings manually . And even with it you still get false acceleration readings on mouse movement recorder 

Mouse acceleration?

You must mean your own wrist movements.

Maybe it's your mouse? What mouse are you using?


it's in the zip 

They work, but some options aren't in the settings at all and the acceletation option olny went as low as 0.01 if I remember correclty.

And it's been like this for ages. Configuation files have alwys had more options then in-game settings just be happy that you have settings at all.

You were already using launch options so you were Ok with it.

And fuck all kind of third party programs. Do your test in game. Its the best way to set your mouse up for your preference.

It's also easy to just see the use raw input setting in mouse settings.

welp even with no acceleration I still can't stand csgo, it is mw3. Lets hope I find a normal server on 1.6 that isn't a stupid ass rollercoaster bulllllll shittttt

Why do you constantly post on this game since you hate it? Also I doubt you are the best. You just sound like an abnoceous douche. It's dudes like you that ruin this site. I hope this thread gets locked like your last one. Hopefully they will ban you this time. 

Why do you constantly post on this game since you hate it? Also I doubt you are the best. You just sound like an abnoceous douche. It's dudes like you that ruin this site. I hope this thread gets locked like your last one. Hopefully they will ban you this time.