CS: GO Headphones/ Headset

Okay, so I play competitive CS:GO for a team and Idk what headphones/ headset to buy... At the moment, I have a pair of KRK KNS-8400 http://www.krksys.com/krk-headphones/kns-8400.html They are great, however, I really just wondered weather anyone could recommend a better one... I dont really have a budget, and I see that all the pros like NIP use Steelseries Siberia V2 headsets, but I have heard that there a bit shit.. ;-;  So feel free to recommend some cool headsets :D

Thanks... :D


My siberia V2's are shit. Would not recommend them, the sound is alright but my problem is the ear pads have gone flat and they are extremely uncomfortable. I have had to stuff tissues under the pads to make it bearable. I'm looking at getting a Sennheiser headset soon.

If you want headphones Sennheiser 588's or ATH-M50

For the mic, just get the ModMic

Or if you want a headset, get Logitech's G35's.

Okay, thanks, for all the feedback guys :D

Idk why you'd get the m50 for gaming over any open headphones taht actually have soundstage... Pretty brain dead recommendations here

If you don't care about cancellation then the ATH-AD700's or AD-700X's. I played CEVO BF3 and the AD-700's are a highly revered headset in that community. I recently sold mine for a closed back headphone though. The 700's have almost unrivaled sound positioning.

Also lots of pro players only use specific gear due to sponsor-ships (aka any pro player who uses Razer products). 

The user who mentioned soundstage to your question is absolutely correct. Do not get a closed headset but look for airy open head sets. A larger soundstage allows you to hear your environment and in CS where people are coming from. I would recommend the AD700s but I have the 900s which are absolutely awesome.