Crysis warhead + sli = fail (help)

is it just me or does crysis suck with sli?

take a look

[b]mirrors edge on left, crysis warhead on right[/b]

[b]Larger the green bar, the better its using sli[/b]


ive tryed every thing possible but nothing changes it!


hahahaha lol

Try going to Nvidia Display/SLI Multi GPU and turn off "show GPU load balancing."

"Thanks for the help.

The nvidia people changed things from what was suggested by you, but you gave me a place to start looking. The green bar is now turned off under 3D Settings located at the windows index and the command is checked; Show SLI Visual Indicators.

Thanks again."

k, I stole that post from here:

what are you talking about, green?

i dont want to turn off the bar, im using it to see how well its using sli

Oh my bad.

I think it should perform better with SLi.... wierd..

Is there a multi gpu option in the game? Im on laptop now, so cant check

If I'm understanding you right.....the reason it's lower is because crysis is 10000x more graphically demanding then mirrors edge

Still, the bar shows how much sli is used.

We shall see, when I buy another 9800gtx+, how it performs in crysis.


yeah "r_multigpu 1" (i have it on)


thats not the problem. for example cryostasis tech demo which seems MORE demanding then crysis has the same SLI utilization as mirrors edge, same with stalker clear sky and fear 2. i cant get a screenshot of thos games cuz it comes out black for some reason :P

go to the nvidia control panel, and for the games profile choose force sli or something similar to that.

i use nHancer to force sli yet nothing changes (tryed sfr, afr, afr 2)

ive even tryed running 3 way afr and 4 way afr (tri-sli and quad-sli)

I hope that was a fresh install of mirrors edge because that screen sucked balls.

i had no aa on :P