Crysis Install limit?

I'm in the process of deciding whether to spend some bucks on this game.

Does the original Crysis have an installation limit? Cuz i read that Crysis:Warhead has a limit of 5 installs.

is this also the case with the old one?

Sorry, im kinda way behind on my games. i googled for answers but ended up with a mix of yes and nos.

The Dvd disk version at least, not the downloadable Steam version.

From what I can tell (speaking to mates and the internets) there is no limit on installs on the first crysis, only a 5 install limit on warhead.

Warhead is better though.

Thanks, yeah i heard from some that warhead is a bit better. But im not exactly comfortable spending on a game with an install limit. so i guess ill just go with the vanilla crysis.

isnt warhead like entirely linear?

... well i guess crysis was also :/

Crysis is not worth the money, it's basically just a benchmark, really do not spend your money on it. Just buy Warhead on Steam (idunno even know if that's even worth it).

dont even waste your money on that piece of shit of a game horrible shooter that just looks pretty i played it and never touched it again i own both btw

same with me, i played the cracked version for about 15 mins then uninstalled

same with me, i played the cracked version for about 15 mins then uninstalled

no limit. i've installed warhead 7 times, still have as many activations as i want. as long as i ask ea.

each his own opinion i guess :)

well i enjoyed the downloaded demo. so hopefully ill enjoy the full release.

thats what made me buy it was the demo i thought the demo was awesome and it was but the more you play the less fun it gets

I liked Crysis more than Warhead. There is more play time.