Crysis 3 Low FPS

I know I've asked a similar, but I really need some help.

I am using a Radeon 7870

An FX 4100

8gb of ram

Windows 8 64 bit

AMD Catalyst 13.8 beta (I've also tried 13.4)

No matter what resolution, or settings I run Crysis 3 at. My frames stay around 10-20fps and my gpu usage stays around 20% or less. Nothing anyone suggested in the last post worked.

Helpful advice would be greatly appreciated!

What about your motherboard and psu could it be a power issue to the gpu?

Trust me it's not my power supply, I have an antec HCG 900.

Have you checked for a cpu bottleneck and are there any patches you could install?

I though about a bottleneck, but a 4100 is for reccomending settings, and even if they're was a bottlneck I'd be getting for than 10fps on any settings.

Form what I know crysis 3 is a little cpu intensive one way to check is load the game with the task manager open and load the game and play and see if the game is maxing the cpu also if you have any nvidia drivers installed unistall those.

I've already done the basic trouble shooting. This is looking more like an advanced matter.

Do you get good fps in other intensive games?

Yes, I uninstalled my drivers to try out an older version. Just out of curiousity I tried to play the game without the drivers, My frames were much much better. That's pretty shocking.

well you narrowed it down to the drivers you could try some drivers that came out before crysis 3 did and see if those work like the 13.1 or somthing.

Where do you download old driver versions, I can only find the current drivers on they're website.

Never mind, found em'

What's your motherboard?

M5a97, it's an entry level board. I think I got it running around normal now anyways. With everything maxed but the filters on multiplayer I can get around 20-45 frames. Sounds about right, not to mention the biggest bottleneck is my CPU.

Crysis 3 is a very cpu and gpu intensive game. Your video card can probably max it at 1080p with an overclock but the cpu sucks.