Crysis 2 worst game of 2011?

In my opinion Crysis 2 i think was the worst game by far this year( other than MW3) I had really liked the first 2 games and while they were mediocre games it was really open in how you went about attacking and rarely did i ever have the same shootout twice. There was also and element that kept me interested and engaged in the game where i could sit and play it for a long period of time and not get bored. Crysis 2 however i found that after about 10-15min of game play i got really bored and stopped. It seemed very limiting compared to the first 2 games. I didn't feel that the world was very open or that there were many options to engage targets. That on top of the fact that its a game that got famous because of its graphics and they decide to not use DX11 or DX10, but DX9!... ultimate FU to PC gamers. Any other thoughts and comments?

I'd agree 100%, and I'm really glad I didn't actually pay for the game.

Not to mention, this game made me look like an idiot after all the boasting I made to my friends about how "awesome Crytek is". Now I'm honestly not looking forward to any more games from them

Not. Even. Close. Friend.

Well I still haven't actually played Crysis 2. I think I might ask for it for Christmas though. I'm not expecting much though. It's true that the original didn't have an amazing story line, but the overall experience was still pretty cool. I absolutely loved every aspect of Crysis Warhead though.

Crysis 2 or the witcher 2

why does no one seem to understand that Crysis is really more of a tech demo than an actual game. The engine is very impressive and they're planning on selling licenses for it

[quote]That on top of the fact that its a game that got famous because of its graphics and they decide to not use DX11 or DX10, but DX9!... ultimate FU to PC gamers.[/quote]

That is 100% of the reason you hate it. Crysis 2 can't be the worse game of the year by any stretch. Do yourself a favor, forget about the graphics dilemma, play the game again and concentrate on the gameplay this time around. You'll find a well crafted linear game that's good. Graphics will always get outdated but good gameplay will have you coming back to the game after it's really old. Have you ever found yourself wanting to play a really old game just because it's still fun even after many years? I don't know, OOT, WoW, CSS, Metal Gear Solid, FFVI or any other game famous because of how well crafted it was as far as gameplay mechanics go? You see, good graphics will help a good game become better but they won't make a game good. I'd rather have a good game than a good-looking game. Moral of the story, gameplay > graphics any day of the week.

/thread signed

Dany said:

[quote]That on top of the fact that its a game that got famous because of its graphics and they decide to not use DX11 or DX10, but DX9!... ultimate FU to PC gamers.[/quote]

That is 100% of the reason you hate it. Crysis 2 can't be the worse game of the year by any stretch. Do yourself a favor, forget about the graphics dilemma, play the game again and concentrate on the gameplay this time around. You'll find a well crafted linear game that's good. Graphics will always get outdated but good gameplay will have you coming back to the game after it's really old. Have you ever found yourself wanting to play a really old game just because it's still fun even after many years? I don't know, OOT, WoW, CSS, Metal Gear Solid, FFVI or any other game famous because of how well crafted it was as far as gameplay mechanics go? You see, good graphics will help a good game become better but they won't make a game good. I'd rather have a good game than a good-looking game. Moral of the story, gameplay > graphics any day of the week.

yes gameplay>graphics.....but it was a shitty game anyways

No way. Crysis was actually entertaining compared to other shit I played this year.

Dany said:

[quote]That on top of the fact that its a game that got famous because of its graphics and they decide to not use DX11 or DX10, but DX9!... ultimate FU to PC gamers.[/quote]

That is 100% of the reason you hate it. Crysis 2 can't be the worse game of the year by any stretch. Do yourself a favor, forget about the graphics dilemma, play the game again and concentrate on the gameplay this time around. You'll find a well crafted linear game that's good. Graphics will always get outdated but good gameplay will have you coming back to the game after it's really old. Have you ever found yourself wanting to play a really old game just because it's still fun even after many years? I don't know, OOT, WoW, CSS, Metal Gear Solid, FFVI or any other game famous because of how well crafted it was as far as gameplay mechanics go? You see, good graphics will help a good game become better but they won't make a game good. I'd rather have a good game than a good-looking game. Moral of the story, gameplay > graphics any day of the week.

the reason i hated the game was because it was flat out uninteresting and boring. AFter 10min i had to to shut it off because it was just to much of a rail like experience for me. If the game play was as good as the first game and warhead i wouldnt have made this post. Take skyrim...the graphics are Dx9 and could be a shit load better...but the game play MORE!! than makes up for it to the point where i dont give a shit. The graphics was just the extra glaze and exclamation point to the already shitty game.

FM-Fr4gm4n said:

No way. Crysis was actually entertaining compared to other shit I played this year.

What games did you find worse and why?

I think Crysis 2 was great. But I didn't pay for it (Mods Rig content winner). If I did spend 49.99 euros on Crysis 2, I might have liked it less. But I liked it :)

To me, playing a game is like reading a book.

i played the demo for it on xbox it wasn't good it wasn't bad its not what i would enjoy tho but i can see people liking it to me tho it was a game that could use more work and i saw the final product it still needed some tuneing but for the most part it was a okay game

Steven Rogers said:

What games did you find worse and why?

Well I guess you said "besides COD" but I'm sorry, I have to bring it in. A re-numbered MW2 takes the cake.

Duke Nukem Forever, anyone ?

I think you would have an easier time arguing most disappointing game of 2011 since it was a somewhat polished game. Either way its still too subjective of a thing to say. I mean The Witcher 2 was mentioned as being the worst game of 2011 when it will probably get my vote as the best game of 2011. People don't always like the same stuff.

I would say Duke Nukem Forever is a less subjective choice among major titles.. but still.

Crysis 2 is different from the first one but that doesn't make it bad. I found it's gameplay style of thinking what you were going to do and not just shooting everything that moves to be very immersive. I'm not going to try to say that everyone has to like it but I can only see it as a very subjective opinion.

Worst: Rage Why? The cars, why the cars

Best: TES:V Skyrim Why? Three words- Fus Ro Dah

Skawty said:

Worst: Rage Why? The cars, why the cars

Best: TES:V Skyrim Why? Three words- Fus Ro Dah

Rage wasn't too bad, but the cars were kind of unnecessary. I certainly wouldn't say it was the worst game of the year though.

Battlefield 3 kind of sucks more than I expected.