Crysis 2 low fps then jumps to high?

Hey y'all


I need your help with this tricky question. I am playing crysis 2 all maxed with dx11 textures and when I start the game I get 2 - 15 fps, but if I wait about 60 to 90 seconds it jumps above 45 to 120 fps. This is such a weird thing that only happens in this game!


My rig is the 

amd 1090t phenom

power colour 6870x2(same as the logan video from way back)

asus 890 pro usb3 motherboard

8gb ddr 3 1333 ram/

650 wat ocz sxs power supply

thermaltake v4 case

h70 cooler



I have done a fresh windows install and a ccc reinstall and fresh install. I have verified game cache and re downloaded my game files. I have overclocked and underclocked and it still does not work. I have turned off pc and waited to restart it. I have no clue why this is happening.  


Anybody else getting these issues with crossfire? 



You are using 2 lowend card and trying to make a midish high end card and crossfire drivers are a bit poopy.

from the way I see it you cant do anything but accept it and turn down your gfx settings or sell the 2 lowend cards and just gen one mid end card 

6870s are low end cards? I don't know about that.

As far as the issue you're having, I have the same issue with Rage on my 560 Ti. What might be the issue is the game is not utilizing the maximum amount of memory in order to properly load all the textures. If you were to go into the config file and increase the amount of ram the game is allowed to use (you should be able to Google this) you might be able to fix the issue that way. Again, I'm going off speculation here, and there's not garauntee that this is the issue. It's just an idea based on the information you've given us thus far. Good luck and happy gaming. 

you playing this at 1080p?

I will google the prefs and edit them soon. I am playing this at 1900x1080 resolution. Once the game "warms up" it all fine. but come one! At that resolution i am getting amazing frames. The weird thing is the game is very playable at the resolution of 5700x1080 with aa off and af set to 2x and all settings still at max. I dont experiance this when I enable eyefinity which kinda boggles the mind. I really dont think my card is a low end card as of now becasue if you look up the asus rog ares 2 reviews my card is in the top 10 at least. anyway I think crysis 2 is a crossfire mess for dual gpu's on a single pcb. 

if perfomance increases when you increase the rez it points to a bottleneck of some sort. either power managment isnt responding as quickly as it should (turn off cool and quiet) and make sure windows power managment is set to high perfomance. i know its only suppoes to affect lappys but its been proven to affect desktop perfomance as well.

you can also turn off 1 card and see if your fps acts the same way. you will have to drop the settings some for 1 card but for testing purposes its acceptable.

turn the rez down to as low as it will go and chack your fps. then increase the rez using the same settings. if the fps doesnt increase at the lower rez then you have a cpu bottleneck.

but my guess would likely be with your psu 650w is a very tight squeeze for 2 6870's and a phenom 2.

it requires 2 6pins and 75w from the pci which is a max tdp of 225w per card add a 140w for the cpu your already up to 590

add in a couple of fans at 10w 

20w per hdd

40w dvd burner. 


you can see your well over the max output of that psu. yes its a 650w unit but its not a top draw 1 and will put out a max stable wattage of around 550w and peak at 650w

really you will need a quality psu like a seasonic 750w befor the 1 you have collapses and possibly takes something else with it.


Hey I have deduced its not the power supply. Its crysis 2 not reconizing a dual gpu card properly.