Crypto Mega-Thread [A.K.A Cryptocurrency mining isn't for hobbyists and Ethereum's terrible]

RELEASED third party miner.

By 'big players,' i'm not talking about hobbyists. Claymore cornered the hobbyist market, sure. People running real mining enterprises don't use claymore.

it is sometimes, depends on coin and algo.

fp16 is big for a ton of ML apps though, which is probably the Vega target market.

Here's one example. And please stop being so hostile, of cause governments are setting up private organisations to do this work, and of cause a power company can use excess power to mine. Why wouldn't they? am I a insider, no. I'm just pointing out the obvious fact that there are huge players mining with million dollar investments in hardware farms to do so.

Why would they stop just at bitcoin? lol

AND NO I'm not going to spend 10 days farming all the bits and drips of info for you, just go do some research yourself and stop being lazy. I don't give a shit what your job status is also.

You said governments and multinationals are. Of course financial institutions are interested, that wasn't what you said.

The majority of mining is happening as specialized enterprise. This is publicly available information.

Quit spreading misinformation.

Maybe saying direct corporation and governments was poor wording on my part, but it doesn't stop them from doing it via private sectors.

Also apparently China mines 60% of bitcoin atm, and the government is doing a fair bit to try and control it, to think they wouldn't also setup some private farms somewhere is a bit misguided, why wouldn't they? And why wouldn't they just do it via private enterprise route? not like you can see who directly funds them does it?

Government is usually not flexible and quick enough on their feet to engage in such activities, and they usually have other things to deal with.
Granted I think most governments have people that keep an eye on crypto so to understand it's impact and potential.

China isn't one person.

Outside of not being able to decide how they want to regulate it (just like every other country right now) they really aren't.

I really don't see how you got from people investing in mining where energy is cheapest to shadow government mining control.

It's laughable.

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Shadow government? ok yeah your funny.

You're not answering the question. Where'd you get your info? I'd love to know.

It was just articles I have read over past couple months, unfortunately I didn't save them or anything. Anyway your probably right about the whole government mining crap, sure I'd admit I can't find any sort of evidence atm about that but there are definitely big industry itching in on it however I don't have those links. One was related to a hydropower company using offpeak time to mine Ethereum I think it was.

If I find them again I'll be sure to post them.

There is also things like this happening lol

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The problem with ethereum is that general purpose hardware and cloud computing presents a huge subsidy. Anyone can activate an EC2 instance and get better hashpower than local miners if they have preferential volume pricing. That's a huge problem. This is not the case with bitcoin.

People can't do the same on Bitcoin because general purpose hardware isn't efficient. You need ASICs to stay relevant.

Also, that article you're citing is a little over 3 years old, back when bitcoin mining on general purpose hardware WAS still on the MARGINS of relevancy (if you don't have to pay the power bill.) Also, it's a single actor abusing other's resources and not paying for energy. the government isn't mining on it because it costs too much. He decided he could make money because he isn't paying the power bill.

Well there is allot of articles where people used government hardware for mining, I was just pointing one of them out. Not all of them are old. I know government security has taken a huge drive since Trump has been in office, so not sure how that affects specific assets like this, can't be a good thing.

You're missing the point entirely. It's only efficient because the costs are completely external to them, and they (if there are indeed more, recent instances of this behavior, which I doubt) are caught, and summarily fired or criminally/civilly charged for wasting massive amounts of government time and energy. None of this is relevant to your original assertion.

Yep. Point being?

And I'm aware that they were not paying for power costs when doing those activities. Super computers from what I understand are not really great for mining anyway due to those exact reasons, power consumption.

You were spreading misinformation. You then took umbrage with me calling you out on it. Glad we cleared that up, though I thought that was pretty clear to begin with.

I get a feeling I should delete my original post, because it seems every post I make from now on you want to go back to that original post asif I'm somehow still providing info for it. I'm not, I said if I find those articles again I would post them. I posted that previous link for the LOL, as a joke to say look the government IS MINING, but clearly its not.

You sir have zero sense of humor, I feel sorry for you. As such I give my leave! Have a good day.

TFW you get called on your shit and don't know when to back out so you say you were just joking


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Good read for anyone relatively new to cryptocurrency:

Helps you navigate some of the rookie bullshit traps

I think everyone should watch this,


Graphics cards being used for shit you can't even see. That's beautiful!


Still in the green on my existing stuff. I expect another month at best before I'm difficulty'd out of the market.

Oh well ill be able to buy a Vega with it anyway

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