
Can someone please explaine to me what crossfire is?

I dont understand and i see alot off GPU's and M/b's saying crossfire support or of sorts?

What is the benefit of it?


crossfire is when you have 2 amd graphics cards linked together to combine there processing power. benefits increased frame rates.

negatives worse looking gameplay. framerating if you're concerned.

Crossfire is a feature like SLI where the GPUs can be connected and work together but his only work on GPUs that have Radeon (it says Radeon on GPUs) AMDs APUs have integrated graphics so you can Crossfire the APU with a GPU so you don't have to buy 2 graphics cards and it increases gameplay.

I'll try to provide a more clear cut explaination of what crossfire is.

Crossfire is when you run two or more AMD graphics cards together. You connect them with a crossfire bridge and check a box in the driver suite in order to get them to work together. This almost doubles gaming performance and will allow you to run your games at higher graphical settings with a better framerate.

The way it works is it basically splits the screen into two pieces. One card handles the details on one side of the screen while the other card handles the other.

It doesn't necessarily work like that. Usually the cards take alternate frames. That's where the microstuttering comes from.

Exactly how the cards divide up the workload depends on what the driver decides to do. But that's detail that doesn't really matter if all someone wants is a basic definition of crossfire.