Crossfire Screen Problem?

Video I took of my problem:

Any ideas?

I've tried different drivers, but it still happens.

I don't remember this happening in all my games, but I know if happens in this game BL2 and Chivalry.

GPU's I'm using are two 7870's


Extreme tearing?

That is not a Screen Tear, A Screen Tear is where you have one still frame, while the bottom of the Screen Proceeds to Continue on with Frames, it happens very quickly but if you have a Good Eye you can notice it. To give you a better picture try tearing a piece of loose-leaf paper in half the one you teared off is the moving frame while the top part of the paper is the still frame.

To me that looks like an Unstable Memory Overclock

Try setting the Cards to Stock see if it happens again. If it does than there is something wrong with one of the GPU's.

They're not overclocked to my knowledge. 

To me , overly OC mem / extreme core clocks .

Or a lack of power to one of the cards , but not both .

Check the usual , the crossfire bridge ; the power connectors , the temps , and remove the OC's .

I'm at factory clocks for these cards

core 1050

mem 1250

And my powersupply should be more than enough to handle these cards. This doesn't like it's going to be a fun thing to diagnose.

Found some more info that might be useful, in gpu-z this is the only info that shows up on my second card. Note how it doesn't show me any usage specs.

(the reason the % don't seem right are because when the second card isn't being used it goes into ultra low powerstate mode)

Maybe check to see if the problem persists with 1 card , then check the other .

It is going to be a pain to find the problem :/

Two things.

  1. Check if the Crossfire Bridges are Connected Properly (Check if they aren't loose)
  2. Disable Crossfire, and Try Playing the Games you are having Issues with, with Each Card. if one of the cards are giving you the same effect (that Graphical Issue) then there's a Faulty Card.

But then again The 7870's Were Notorious For having the most issues with Crossfire. if it is doing that graphical problem with just borderlands then it could be an optimization issue with the game. and not your cards


The problem goes away when I run the game in windowed mode. Which I've heard that when a game is run in windowed mode it doesn't use crossfire, so my top card is probably fine.

Sadly I think it's going to end up being that my other card is bad. (The card that works fine now is the one AMD sent me after my original one died)

Just played Bioshock Infinite, worked fine, used both cards to my knowledge....

So far it's only done it in Chivalry, BL2, and Skryim

Ya some games don't do crossfire so well, Skyrim is one. Try with v sync on might help, it did on Ace Combat, but I usually just run one card on the older not optimized games.

But those games don't do that on my Xfire 290's ....

Probably second card .

Try removing top one , all you have to do is unplug it and take it out of it's slot , you don't *need* to move it to the top slot .

if it's the botom one , make your warranty work .

Well, I've tried V-Sync, but that just makes the screen glitching a constant pattern lol.

I have two 7870's as well. Tried gaming on chivalry had no issues. I have two sapphires with latest bios/same bios for both cards. Heard they had some voltage issues for 7870's depending on manufacturer, might be worth checking in gpuz to make sure they both have same bios.

I have two sapphires as well appear to have the same BIOS as well.

More pics for anyone out they're that can make more sense of this info than I can

Top card


could the drastic difference in bandwith have something to do with it? I'm aware my motherboard isn't very ideal for crossfire setups. It's an asus M5a97 rev1

Check the bios on sapphire website. I have 15.31 (latest I think) they had issues with voltage on older bios versions. I'll try to find links.

Mine for compariason. Both cards the exact same.

Might be PCIe speeds due to mobo as you suggested ThanksForAllTheFish. Looked up your mobo and it only lists PCIe 2.0 available. Maybe go into bios and set both slots to 2.0 might even things out for you. Not sure but should only take five minutes to find out.

ThanksForAllTheFish ... it looks like ULPS is active . It stands for "ultra low power state" it's supposed to tun the power off on your second card when you arn't using it to save power. It is supposed to turn it self off and return power to the second card but it is F#$%kd up and it malfunctions and causes your bottom card to load up and overheat ... .. you should disable it when using a pair in CrossfireX . ... It  may cause permanent damage to you GPUs. if you don't  Here is a link to more info about it and show you how to disable it ............


  You can manually edit your registry ... Or use the ULPS Configuration Utility.    :)

It does not show in GPU-Z but GPU #2 is maxed out at 99% internally and the fans are at 20% & it is getting very hot  and may be damaged.