Crossfire R9 270x and 290

Can you cross fire an R9 270X with the 290/290X os should i Just get another 270X?

No. You can cross fire 7850/7870/270&270X or you can crossfire 290/290X. But not both together.

EDIT: Best choice if you can do it. Sell the 270 and buy a 290/290X.

As Zibob has said, you cannot crossfire a 270X with any of the Hawaii GPUs (290/290X) because they are different GPU architectures. I can add to the 270X Crossfire inquiry as i had that setup at one point. I got great performance in games where it worked, usually doubling my performance because Crossfire has great scaling. Games i played that used Crossfire were Marvel Heroes, Star Trek Online, Crysis 3, Hitman Absolution, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Trine 2 and a couple others i cannot remember at the moment. However, even with the great benefits, i will say that many games do not support Crossfire, especially when they come out. Examples are Theif and Wolfenstein: The New Order, and have no plans to support it either. I also started dual booting Ubuntu (14.04) and using Ubuntu a lot more than Windows, and when i tried booting into it with the Crossfire setup, it wouldn't boot, and it does not support crossfire.

Because of this, i would suggest selling your 270X and buying a 290/290X or waiting it out for the 300 series projected early next year, might also push prices down on 290/290X, but would hurt the resale of your 270X. Up to you though, just thought i should address some issues with it since i had Crossfire 270X at one time.


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270x's can be found very cheap ( 50-80€ on ebay ) so that's very temping for a doubling in perf .

They scale well , and I have had no problems with it , and the games that didn't support it ran well enough on one gpu .


Your call , depends on 290x / 270x prices .
