Crossfire 7970

Hello Everyone


I did what you all suggest in my last question. I got a 2. 7970. It is too 2. handed. (Saw some Benchmarks with beat the snit out of the 780ti)

I never did Crossfire, so I don't even know if this works, but I can try everything.


I've got a SAPPHIRE HD 7970 3GB GDDR5 OC with Boost

and I'll get a GV-R797OC-3GD

1. Question:

Can I Crossfire, even when the 2 cards are from different Resellers and have different clock speeds ( I could clock down or up right?)

2. Question:

Running 3+ Monitors on 1080p is it wise to Crossfire or to use the cards individual.

3. Question:

How many Screens will be supported, the GB card has less DVI slots with I want to use from the Sapphire.


thanks for your answers.



P.S. I didn't sell the 770 jet, but I think 2 7970 are better now.

1. Yes.

2:.Use crossfire unless you want to play on low settings.

3. Each card should support 3 displays, so you'd be able to get 6 displays.  If your monitors only do DVI, then two will go to the sapphire and one will go to the gigabyte.

Thanks a lot.


one more question: is the 280x and the 7970 the same, can I Crossfire a 280x and a 7970 too?

I hear you can , but have never tried .

So you finally decided to Xfire :D

Yes, Logan made a video about this ;) I think you can even crossfire with a 280...