Crimson Driver not working on a 7970 ( no driver actually)

So one day I turned on my PC to find a nasty surprise, the dreaded black screen of death, so i had to re formatt and install the OS again, all the drivers and then the latest amd crimson 15.2 driver , after rebooting then I find the same problem again, after windows logo the screen goes black and i cant do nothing about it, no matter how many different versions of the driver I try, the card wont work and the crash keeps happening .
I even updated the Bios, tried different version of Windows, flashed the Bios, removed the card, cleaned it , put it back, etc, but sadly, so far nothing's worked. Im starting to think this is a hardware issue, either the Card or the Mainboard are doing something wrong, but i cant pinpoint which one is it nor what is the flaw. I will add a link to a thread I made on AMD forums where you can find more details on the story and Specs of my system. Any help wouldl be appreciated

Unless you have the latest 200 series or higher. Most of the drivers are just re-badged older drivers with maybe a few bug-fixes and support for new stuff like DX12 and crimson crap, which basically doesn't benefit the 7970 in any way abiet some FPS optimization for older games. It's like back in BF3 days, when all the optimization was for the 6000/7000 series and you had a 5000 series card, almost 0 benefits except updated drivers, moved a 0 or dot up a row etc...

I will be honest with you...
I use the 14.9 I think omega drivers from AMD. Those are September 2014...
I am running 270X (7870) and I have a friend of mine with 7870. He used to have 15.something Crimson drivers. I gave him my 14.9 or 14.11 or something from 2014... Stable as a brick wall. Fallout 4 worked fine before I refunded it, Witcher 3 worked fine, before I refunded it. No issues what so ever... Go back in time and find those 14.something omega and ignore the Crimson for now. They are DX12 Fury anyway...

i forgot to reply and tell you the good news, the problem was fixed thanks to another user who had the same issue, all i had to do was to disable the onboard Intel HD graphics from device management and everything back to normal. The driver i installed is Radeon Crimson 15.11, im really surprised it worked, i was going to try first the Catalyst one but didnt have to, maybe it would've worked as well.
But now I feel this driver is not very friendly with the GPU, maybe its intended for more recent cards, not for a 7970, would I notice a performance increase if I switch to an older Catalyst drive? Or maybe i upgrade to Win8 to have that an extra perf over Win7 using these new drivers?, what do you think? thanks for your feedback

woah what wait! Explain everything you did! I have been having this problem for sooo long now! I have made multiple threads on the matter to no avail!

It is simply picking the drivers that support gpu. For instance, using the previous driver versions that are known to work with your hardware and os. Always using the latest and greatest isn't always a good thing.

I am trying to figure out how he disable onboard through the BIOS?!