Creating My Own Server And Domain For My Blog And Website

I'm looking to create my own server and domain or finding a cheap/free host and domain for my small blog and website.

So my first question is, if possible how do I go about being my own host or which host is the least awful to use?

My second question is which blogging platform is the best to use? What does Tek Syndicate use?

If anyone wonders what i'll be blogging about its about my Android Development projects along with anything else i work on..

1. Your going to need a web server or a machine that is always on and can act as one. It doesn't need to be anything fancy. If you have your own server, you can make it do double duty as a file server for example.

2. Don't use a pre-built blogging platform. Build your own HTML or PHP with SQL webpage.

Now Why have I said what I have???

Well if your developing Android stuff, you should probably be fluent in some code or another. Learning how to setup a server and programming the page will also increase your skill sets. Even if you have no plans on becoming a web developer, having basic skills in this area are always useful.


Although if you do wanna be extremely lazy....use Tumblr

Thanks zanginator. I'm going to find an old machine and convert it into a dedicated server. Hopefully I can keep it running in a corner of my house.

Do you or does anyone else know anything about getting a domain for the site?

I've been an expert at HTML for years. It was the first language I taught myself. I've actually already developed my website. I just need to look into some PHP/SQL to make my blogging a little easier for me

I personally use I haven't had any issues with interrupted service or anything. But find someone you trust.