I’ve decided to make a JavaScript library, unlike jQuery, it’s not gonna have an endless number of functions and features. I plan on making a more lightweight alternative to jQuery, purely because jQuery does not seem to perform all that well on mobile devices, and after talking to many web developers, they agree, it’s about time someone made something that’s a bit more lightweight. Well I thought why not give it a go?
My Project
I’ve recently created an ‘Alpha’ version, earlier today if anything, if you take a look at my git account, you’ll see that I uploaded the files only moments ago. I think it already has a couple of neat little features and functions that are both reliable and fast.
ToolKit JS
I decided to name it ToolKit JS because that’s what it’s meant to be, a series of tools for developers to use for both, developing and deploying their web based applications. It’s currently far from finished, I mean it needs a tonne of work, however, I’m looking for suggestions as to what I could include in this JS?
So what do you think this library should include?
- Custom/Draggable UI
- Admin UI
- Charts
- 3D Stuff
- Google Maps Features (Have something interesting in mind)
- Other - If other, please comment.
0 voters
Encase you want to view the source code, here’s a link to my repository:
I thought that I’d post an update here, I’ve decided to actually strip back the core of this library to being full of small and quite powerful tools. If you’d like to know what it will contain, I’ve decided to include the following within this library, I’ve also decided to say:
Screw anything older than IE10! YAY!
- Multi Threading
- Object Query Script
- Template Engine
- Promises
- Asynchronous Features
- Utils
- DOM Selector
- Event Handling
- Basic Object Manipulation
- etc…
Why the change?
I think that with my original idea(s) it would’ve consisted of a few too many features that people will probably want to build specifically to their own application. Features such as predefined data structures, half the time with JavaScript you can just use something like an object which essentially acts like an associative array and if I’m not mistaken the lookup time for a value with an object in JavaScript is O(1).
The same said for the lazy loading feature that I built, some people may want animation included, etc. Mine was as simple as:
A) Image not in view? - Don’t load
B) Image is in view? - Load
There was no subtle feature to make it better when considering the UX of the application.
What about charts?
Charts area great and all, but there’s just soooooo many options to choose from already, even if I did create something neat, it probably wouldn’t be better than the solutions that exist right now.
What’s Object Query Script?
It’s simple, it’s essentially a small tool that you can use to query an array of JavaScript objects, typically just value objects, an example being a collection of user records. You could load ‘x’ amount into the DOM and then run a query so that it doesn’t require another HTTP request, if you have data on the client’s device, this may be ab ideal way to run queries if the device is off line. The only major difference would be that the content within the local storage may not be totally up to date, and of course you may be lacking in images too, but it isn’t designed to cater for storing images onto a user’s device or whatever.