Creating a "tekcoin"

It's a bit toung and cheek, but every tech company needs its own coin... right?

 Anyway, considering something like coingen to make a tekcoin. Or code one myself if I can manage to do so. Stupid idea?

I'd mine it....

While not ours there is a coin using the name TEK

Also there is such a flood of different coins that its useless. My understanding is the more coins are causing the instability and lack of rise in coins. No one knows which coin to mine or buy.

OK, first; Ars Technica had done the same thing but it's only exclusive to their members due to the inability to maintain such high usage in their pool. Now answer this; can we run our own pool, given how many other currencies are out there?

With a couple of friends we have our own pool.  We are with 6 and about 20 workers total.  This month alone the traffic for the site was hitting the 300 gb datacap limit on the internet connection it runs on.  That is with a bunch of addicts keeping open multiple webpages on multiple computers (laptop, smartphone, desktop at work).  Also the refresh rate of the dashboard and other data are fairly low (every 10 seconds it's updated)

So to answer your question .... it's not all that hard to setup, it's not all that hard to keep running, but ... you will need a lot of bandwidth if you want to do it on a large scale.  Also we went the everything seperate route concerning the server setup (stratum, wallet, website), so a machine running esxi, with everything split up, for security reasons, is advisable.

What about TekPool? Mine any coin on example : or And it runs on a % fee or donation. Tek Pool can make some $. We would all put a generous donation right?

or something like (example coin here) 

I agree with advanced_forum, a pool would probably bring more users and fees would bring in money to support both the pool and this site.

Could we buy hats on the forum with it? :3

Why bother


Good idea, i'd mine some, to support Tek Syndicate.  Too bad "Tek" coin is allready taken :(