Created a simple screen recording program for linux

As above simple screen recording program for linux different from ffmpeg recording as it captures the root window and is perfect for video games it records them all.

How the program works: It simply takes a screen shot in a loop and saves them out a jpegs then ffmpeg (required) converts them to a .mkv unfortunately i haven’t got audio working yet but you can use audacity to record audio. it’s a simple script you can get it here: Image sequence recorder linux (requires ffmpeg) · GitHub

How to use it: download the from the link above and place it in “videos” folder, change/directory/to/the/file and type “python” and it should run. I have only tested it in fedora so far. Anyway if you try it out let me know how you get on with it i have rubbish hardware and i see little to no performance hit.

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That's pretty awesome sounding, good job man and thank you for the release