Hi this year I would like to upgrade my CPU, but don't know which ones will fit my motherboard. I'll probably get an i-5, but like I said I don't know which ones will fit my mothe board. http://uk.msi.com/product/mb/H61M-P25--B3-.html#?div=Detail Thats my motherboard, yes I know it isn't the best, but it's the best I could afford at the time. Also should I get an after market cooler for my CPU (when I upgrade). If you could recomend one of those aswell that would be great!



On the same site you linked me to, i found a full list of supported CPU's in literally 2 clicks. You were so close...


As for an aftermarket cooler, you wont need anything too over kill as i dont imagine you'll be trying to overclock too much on that H61 board. Just get something like the Hyper 212 Evo
