today i noticed that my cpu temp was higher than normal, usually ~39 C, today it was at ~47 C
i looked at my performance monitor and i saws that my cpu was at ~25% ~39% usage while only having a few things open, any idea what is going on?
some screens of the monitor and my actual desktop, idk what's going on
Edit: btw the CPU is an I7 3770K at 4.2 GHZ
you have 90 processes going on. have you disabled any windows services like indexing or is this a stock version of windows? Check what non microsoft processes are running as well. If you want a fast running low resource machine use black viper.
i'm using windows 7 home premium, with a custom non microsoft theme, Spot7.
other than that it's normal windows, i have some heavy programs on, such as steam,skype,razersynapes, logitech profiler and catalyst, but i wouldn't think it would use up that much of my processing %
NVM i believe i found the problem, i ran a virus scan, and whilst it was going on i checked the cpu usage, it was wat 64ish percent cpu usage, i then swapped back over to normal windows 7 theme, it went down to 30s and 40s, i believe it was my windows theme that was hogging all the resources,
when the scan is over i will compare both percentages. thank you for feedback
edit: nvm, the % stayed the same, around 40% after the scan was done, :L
processes > sort by cpu useage, make sure there's no oddball thing eating up performance
the only processes using CPU that it says, is NZXT Kraken controller, and MSI Kombustor DX11, i terminated Kombuster DX11 and the usage went down to astable 25%
so would 25 percent be a reasonable ammount? or is it still too high?
edit: i closed down the NZXT Kraken control panel, it's down to 13
would that still be too high? no other process shows any cpu usage, all at 00, maybe they are less than 1 percent? so all totaled up = the 13 %?
edit: here's a screen of my usage, a few process terminations later,
high enough to be an issue, probably not, still somewhat high i'd think, running win8 and an 8320 i'm at 1%
i think in 7 you have check a box that says show processes from all users, that can tell you if perhaps some windows process decided to go rouge (it happens), just don't go killing things though
apple mobile device services is hogging up as much as msi kombuster , at 14%
Edit, got rid of all apple software, i'm down to 0-1% on idle, thank you and everyone els for the help
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