I wasn't sure where exactly I should post this, but I wasn't looking for PC building answers. Just an opinion. With that said:
I'm currently running a rig with an Intel Sandy Bridge 2500K (my cheapass) overclocked at 3.9GHz. I've been looking to upgrade my rig for a while now, but I've been waiting for Haswell in order to make my decision. After hearing about Broadwell and the Ivy Bridge-E series coming soon (with the Broadwell's alledged release date sometime in 2014 H2), I was wondering if I should continue waiting until then or say "Screw it!" and just upgrade.
My computer isn't running slow at all for what I do (play Skyrim and draw comics), but I feel certain parts are getting held back due to an outdated processor, like the GeForce 660. The other reason I'm considering waiting is due to a tablet I wanted to draw on which runs about $600 (which is here ---> http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B009QQ7BG0/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B009QQ7BG0&linkCode=as2&tag=frenden-20 )
So, what do you think? I'm considering upgrading, but that drawing tablet...
Well the Haswell processor seems to pull only about a 20% performace increase based on Passmark. So it wouldn't really be necessary to upgrade as you won't notice much of a performance boost with it. Why not wait an see? Intel Core i5 2500k is still beastly in this day and age. My personal recommendation is not to upgrade unless you actually want to. I can also guarantee that your processor is no where near bottlenecking that 660 of yours. I bet will last through nVidia's 800 series cards.
Interesting. Yeah, I also heard overclocking is a bit iffy, as in it runs very hot when you overclock it. Thanks!
Well the heat is much worse with Ivybridge and even more so with haswell than sandybridge
You probably don't need to upgrade, and to do so would maybe cost you more than that tablet if you're not careful. Hypocritical from me because I did break down and upgrade from my 2500k, but that was my ego doing it. If you're scared about the CPU quality, if you have a friend in an electronics store near you or they display CPUs on the shelf, try hard to get one that was manufactured in Costa Rica. Mine was manufactured in Costa Rica and my CPU likes to hang around the mid 50s at 4.4GHz in AIDA. You probably won't get much a performance increase, however you'll probably get stuff like better audio, the 6 SATA 6GB/s ports, and stuff like that. Like Logan said, it's probably worth it to upgrade because of Z87, not because of the CPU.
btw research and get a good air cooler or those 240mm CLCs. I think my temps are pretty low because of my trusty Dark Rock Pro 2.
Seeing as how I only have two SATA3 HDs, yeah, I may hold off on the upgrade for a while. I did want to upgrade when he brought up the 6 SATA3 ports, but I don't even use that many.
Ha-ha, no way! Thanks for the input!
Didn't know that about Ivy Bridge. I remember hearing somewhere that someone hit 5GHz on a Sandy Bridge.