Cpu upgrade

hello, i currently have the compaq presario cq62-225DX

the gaming performance in it us lacking and i want to upgrade the processor to improve it! but the problem is i know nothing about compatability or which processor to choose. the next point is i dont want to spend more than around 100$ im not sure if this is too little for what im looking to do but im hoping you guys and the teksyndicate forum can help



Is that the one that comes with the Sempron?

just my two cents, but upgrading anything bar the hard drive in a laptop is a lot of hassle

First of all, laptop sockets are complicated and don't always offer subsitution. Even if you did find a replacement part that is more "powerful" that would probably mean a bump in power requirement so make sure your motherboard supports it. Also you have to consider the TDP and whether or not the heatsink fulfills the extra thermal dissipation. It's a real drag and not always do-able. The last time I wanted to do this to my acer aspire (intel core 2 duo), I ended up getting a new desktop rig. :-P

i kow but i have a computer handy man that lives in my town adn he is down to help me with anything. probably should have put this up top but i upgraded the ram to 8 gigs and the hard drive has been replaced to a 5400rpm 500gb

thats cool. i have seen many posts on the hp support forums about people doing this but they all have a different variation of my laptop so im not sure of the processor will fit. i also see what you mean when yuo say abotu the heat and stuff. i can probably do something to increase the heatsync because atm when im playing any game my cpu temp goes up to 150 degrees farenheit. at idle its around 125. all i want is to go from a single core to a dual core. mainly because its better performance and i can mien bitcoins aswell and make money towards my desktop rig.

dont try to mine bitcoins with that, you'll burn your house down

lol i can try