Hey guys i want to buy a new cpu, but i dont know which one i should get. i would prefer an amd cpu but also the best for the money. my current system is a asrock z77 pro 3 with an intel core i3 2100, a sapphire hd 6870 oc and a corsair gs500. also 8gb ddr3. i m from germany and i can get a i7 2700k for around 250euro, thats one of my favourites. i want to record and play battlefield 3 and 4 and crysis 3 and several other games. my second choice is an amd cpu, after the nice comparison videos by razethew0rld, than i would buy an asus M5A99FX Pro R 2.0 (125 euro) and at first an phenom II x4 965 BE (75 euro) and would upgrade later to an 8 core. then i could also resell my old mobo and cpu. what would you do? sorry for my bad english;)
buy 2600k, why bother with anything else if you already have Z77 MB
With what you have now i would buy a 3570k for about 166 http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/part/intel-cpu-bx80637i53570k
and then with the extra money you saved you can put it towards a better GPU, because games are only going to get more demanding.
you could either buy another 6870, but i wouldn't recomend crossfire.
you might be able to sell your 6870 and get something more recent. like a 7950, or a 670
thanks for the quick answers. i dont want to go with an i5/ 4 core cpu, i want an i7 or an 8 core to be more futureproof, i will upgrade my gpu in about 2 months. the phenom would just be for a few months because its cheap but better than my i3. the problem is my gpu isnt at full load in bf3 because of the i3, so i want to upgrade the cpu first to see what happens.
then i agree. go with the i7 first. but not the 2600k, get the 3770k, it;s only 245 http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/part/intel-cpu-bx80637i73770k
thats 245 pound and the shipping to germany would be expensive, i also want to go with the 2700k because sandy bridge runs cooler and its for some reason cheaper than the 2600k. but over this i would prefer an amd platform because of the 8 cores better upgradeability in the future and overall more futureproof since the next gen consoles get 8 cores. maybe i should wait how the prices develop