CPU Upgrade with APU Mainboard or upgrade both?

I've got a decent/cheap AMD HD 7950(overclocked to 7970 Niveau) instead of my old 750Ti, wich gave me a huge performanceboost in most Games.
But my RIG is still slowed down by my APU A10-5800K and I can't endure it, because my mostly played Games are really CPU-intense(BF4, Dolphin-Emu, Arma3, TW3) and in future my CPU would be the big bottleneck.

Now the Problem is:
I have the opportunity to buy me a new CPU in middle/late Summer this year, my mom(I'm still a pupil) would help me paying the new processor. I planned to buy a Fx-8320 or 6300 but I had no Idea, that my Mainboard is only conceived for APUs (I've got a F2 A85-M LE) so I have to purchase a new Mainboard + Processor and I have a budget of 100-150€ and maybe I'll get the CPU as a present(yay ~)

My Question:
Would a new APU suffice or should I buy a completely new Combination, and what Combination(AMD or Intel) would be reasonable at my PriceRange (ca. 150-300€) and relatively FutureProof

- Sry that Im to dumb to google or research it myself, but I really don't have a clue wich would be reasonable and I don't want to waste my money so I hope You forgive me for wasting Your time ;D
- Sry for my bad English
- I hope I posted it in the right form xD

A 7950 and an A10 is actually a pretty good match. You should be able to play games at 1080p with high settings without too much trouble.

Certain games that are terribly optimized, like Arma III, you may have to turn down settings to get acceptable performance. This is true even with high-end Intel platforms, so there is really nothing you can do about it except to go tell the programmers that they are bollocks.

When DirectX12 comes out, you should still be set for a while, as the CPU bottleneck should be greatly diminished with new games. Until all the features are taken advantage of with DirectX12, you shouldn't have to worry about a "need" to upgrade for a bit.

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Yeah, you're actually right. I'll just wait and look If Dx12 helps, maybe I can use my A10 longer ;D

Btw, thx for the fast reply * ~ *

Just to make sure that everything is running as they should, you could monitor your clockrates to make sure that you are getting optimum performance.

If all you really do is game just upgrade to an i5, the AM3 CPUs would only be useful if you use the extra cores, otherwise they perform about the same as the FM2 Quad cores in games.

But overall the i5 is only something like 20% faster than the 750k in games which is basically your cpu, just get some nice cooling and overclock your chip, are you still on the stock cooler?

Yes I am and I already have to refresh my CPU-paste, so at the time maybe I'll just upgrade my cooler instead of a hole new CPU ;D I already overclocked(well, actually my AMD Overclocking Tool did) it to 4400 MHz. Do you think there's even more to squeze out of the Chip?

Probably not unless you're lucky, but if you're already stable when overclocked there's not much more to be done to get more performance outside of upgrading you CPU.

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If it were me I'd get an i5 and a cheapo mobo. For the amount of money you'd spend on cooling, and the luck of the silicon you'd get with the AMD equivalent. I'd be surprised if you didn't see an increase in performance from an i3 even. Just typically smoother ride in my experience from a FX6300 to an i5 4690K. Granted I'm OC'd to 4.2. I still saw better performance in games like Skyrim, Max payne, and MGS5 even at stock. Especially Skyrim. Frame rate was never that much better, but I got much fewer skips, drops, and jumps in my framerate.

This is all anecdotal though, go look up some benchmarks too.

Thx for the advice. If I need to upgrade in some time I'll look around which CPU(probably from intel) will suit me ;D
In fact I have many skips, drops and jumps and fluctuating fps wich some friends with intel CPUs don't have.

Why don't you just limit your fps to something like 45 or 50?

It could also just be an issue with your GPU.

I did limit my fps to 59(60hz) in most games, but sometimes even than it fluctuates between 57-59(idk why) and that creates some sort of stuttering :( In CsGo e.g. I can't limit my fps to sth below 60 because that causes tearing on my screen, but when Im using a limit at 60(or59) fps It stutters somehow, i have to turn many games to windowed-fullscreen mode, because that decreases the amount of stuttering(its never completely away).. I know thats OffTopic, but its an answer to your question ;D

You should be able to get way more than 60fps with that rig in CSGO, since I'd imagine you're running with V-sync off just don't limit your fps, or limit it to like 120, though personally I run a 5800K+7850 2gb and haven't noticed any major issues in terms of fps drops.

I just tested it, my fps are always around 100-150 atm ;D

Edit: I just re-edited my post :( I'm an idiot xD

Did you turn off the fps limit in the steam console? I think it's like fps_max 255