Cpu temperature goes through the ceiling

So I bought a new mainboard, put in the i7 2600 i already had (with the intel stock cooler, it originally was a prebuilt pc) before that I was hovering at around 40-50 °C in desktop, watching videos or browsing and at around 80°C when on full load stress test. With the new mainboard, I get all the way up to 70°C when watching a twitch stream and 98°C when playing Witcher 3. I bought new thermal paste and applied that but it didnt really change anything. I have no idea why the temps are freaking out, as far as I can tell its enough thermal paste, properly spread and the cpu cooler is properly mounted, the BIOS setting for cpu fan is on Turbo, whatever that means, but it gets damn loud, thats for sure. Does anyone have an idea why it gets this hot?

Google it a bit.

Forums should only really be used as a last result.

This is probably the most common custom computer problem. You need to learn how to do the research and figure this one out for yourself.

Very helpful, thank you

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Check the voltages during use and make sure they're not too high (over 1.35v you should start worry about it). Check in the BIOS if any weird option is enabled, like XMP or any other thing that can mess up with the system and if you're not sure just set default values again and reboot. Maybe the motherboard is freaking out a bit and is pumping a lot of voltage for nothing but that's quite unlikly to be, in my opinion but it's worth see if volatages and frequencies are fine.
Dumb question: did you remove the old thermal paste applied on the heatspreader and CPU with isopropyl alchool or a good wipe with a good dry piece of fabric?
If everything is fine the only thing I can think of is the thermal interface between the heatspreader and the CPU itself is too degraded to conduct heat from the CPU out. That's a tricky situation and you should find someone that could help you out.

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I didnt do the alcohol thing, thats my suspicion for now.

Monitor your volts on load. If they are shooting over 1.2 then your intel stock cooler is no where near good enough. You should look to decreasing your volts.

If not and your volts are sitting <1.2 then ensure your cooler is getting full on contact with the CPU.


Its a fucking stock cooler. And it probably needs a good clean and remounted.

There are about a billion youtube videos showing you two things.

1: how to properly ensure the best thermal performance of a stock cooler.

2: why the stock cooler should NEVER be used.

Spend the 20 bucks, and get yourself a decent after market cooler. Clean the crap out of the cpu, follow the directions for mounting the heatsink that comes in the box. Profit.

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Be sure to NEVER use denaturated alchool because doesn't evaporate 100% like the isopropyl one and can leave traces behind. If you can't have access to isopropyl one use a piece of durable fabric dry and wipe it until both the base of the cooler (the part making contact with the CPU) and the heatspreader of the CPU shine.

Believe it or not, but some people live on a budget and an aftermarket cooler is a nice thing to have but on a non-K chip the stock cooler keeps it cool enough and doesn't get loud enough to annoy me through my headphones.

Yeah. I get that.


This one is really good for 25 bucks.

There are coolers that are even cheaper still.

Even if you get the absolute perfect amount of thermal paste and the perfect mount, your temps are still going to be shit.

Unless of course you live in the artic circle and you like to keep your windows open.

It sounds like your cooler is not installed correctly.
Make sure all of the push pins click in so you know it is fully attached to the motherboard.