CPU suggestions

What is a good processor for these needs/wants: (I am not impressed with my i5 3570 non-k)

Snappy in OS.
Photo/Video Editing. (just for fun right now)
Good performance in games paired with R9 290.
Something different / something you dont see as often as an i5 3570.

What's your budget? because there isn't too much travel room above your current processor without it getting pretty expensive.

400 dollars.

An 860k will do the job

You can't do something different/something you don't see as often when it comes to a CPU. It's a very boring component most of the time. Really your choices are:

  • 4690k - Not that much of an upgrade when compared to the 3570
  • Xeon E3 1231v3 - Very good CPU at the price of a 4690k. It's basically an I7 without a GPU and without overclocking
  • 4790k - Be all end all of mainstream CPU's. Very powerful (I use it)
  • 5820k - Amazing 6-core value, especially when you OC it to at least 4.2GHz (Which should be pretty much guaranteed). Requires purchase of X99 board and DDR4 though which are more expensive than Z97 and DDR3

I would personally go with either the Xeon E3 1231v3, 4790k or 5820k.

An 860k is a HUGE downgrade from his current I5-3570


Guessing that means you have an H77/Z77 motherboard?

I thought he had a budget for all components excluding the 290. In that case a 5820k otherwise I see no benefit.

Just snag a pentium 4...

well, you have a couple of options, option one grab a 3770k off ebay for about $250 and overclock it, if your motherboard supports it, if not you won't see much video game improvement over current cpu.

Second option would be wait for the new intel processors which I think are coming in a few days? idk haven't been paying attention but they are coming soon. could get an I7 and a new mobo for $450ish if prices stay the same which they have tended to from generation to generation.

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Some 45 dollar POS asrock B75m-dgs. Want to upgrade the motherboard, for features, so if i have the system all apart why not buy a new CPU? :)

There's a few quad core hyperthreaded xeons people have been recommending that I think are around the same price as the 4690k and has the same(ish) performance as in games, it escapes my mind. It's locked, albeit, but unless you want to pump the extra cash into a 4790k it'll do great. Would do well in video editing and the like, obviously, having 8 threads. They're essentially i7s without the iGPU.

Some of the xeon E3's fit this spec (I think it's these?), they vary in clock speed. Pick a good motherboard and then pick the best one you can get out of what you have left.

EDIT: Yeah, it's the xeon E3's.