CPU, RAM load analog indicator

Hey whatsup!

Long time viewer of teksyndicate here. Me and my friend made a monitor mounted device for displaying your CPU / RAM load. Check our campaign HERE.

Any suggestions / questions are welcome. You can write to us on our forums or here:).


That's pretty cool, would fit perfect in a steam punk case mod :o. My suggestion is if there is any way to slim it down to do so.

Thanks! Yeah, the problem is that the analog indicators are quite wide, there is maybe 1cm between the case and the indicators in the back. I know it would! That's why we'r selling it without the case too, we knew the modding community would love it:D. 

I love everything about this concept. However, here are a few of things that I don't like about its design:

  • it is a bit chunky, for portable users that could be an issue. Like laptops. Desktop users probably wouldn't care.
  • The RAM meter. Personally, I like to know how much RAM I'm using and not just a percentage.
  • Since it uses a USB, how far does that stick out? Again I'm thinking of the portable users here, in this case you'd want to have a 90 degree cable.

Things I did like:

  • The classic analog display. Very classy.
  • The functionally. From what it looks like, you wouldn't need to download any peripheral software, so this would still work perfectly when not booting to the OS. 

All in all, this thing of yours is very dandy.

Thanks for the suggestion!

Yeah our product isn't really thought of for the users on-the-go. Im using it on my laptop tho and it fits nicely!:). We are planning to add lcd panels if we get enough funding so its gonna display how much ram you're using too. About the usb cable- its not actually sticking out, it's facing downwards.

Check the How it works, you do need to install software so the device knows where to get the information from.

Thanks, it does look quite sharp doesn't it ? I hope Logan notices this post and goes apeshit:P.