CPU overclocking not sticking

I have an i5 3570k on a z77 motherboard. I'm overclocking from 3.4 to 4.1. I save the profile and boots fine but stress testing my CPU and using CPZ-z my core speed is still going up and down from 1.6-3.4max. I have the latest drivers and reset my CMOS and tried it again, same result. Any idea why it's not sticking?

Are you overclocking in the UEFI, or in your OS?


You haven't turned off 'throttling'. You need to turn off all the thermal protection and low power states in your bios... Also, are you sure your temps aren't getting in the way?


I got it to work at 4.2 and using core temp at 99% load it was getting temps around 60-80 is that too high?

That's a 20C difference. What are your highest temps? 20C is the difference between the edge of the thermal threshold and melting the CPU socket.

84C had been the max 

What are you cooling your CPU with?

the stock fan

...there are no words...

Eh... eh... what... w... w... w... why? The stock fan? I almost had just died.

it was running at 4.5ghz on stock fan for almost a year lol and temps were not this high, might need to change the paste

any recommendation on liquid cooling? was looking at corsair ones today 

What voltage were you using and what were the temps?

It was awhile ago so I can't remember, but on core-temp I had it to shut-down my PC if temps got over 90C and it never did

I think i died a little on the inside...

You are one hardcore panda I must say. A lucky hardcore panda!

Go with a quality heatsink. Either air or water. The Xigmatek Dark Knight is pretty good and cools almost as well as a Corsair H100. Make sure you use quality thermal paste (NT-H1 or Arctic Silver) and the RIGHT amount. Only need about a rice grain's worth. Seat it properly and you'll get fantastic results. My 3770k is set to 4.6 ghz with a Corsair H100i and at idle it sits at 39c and under load it'll reach 79c. I also removed the IHS and replaced the stock thermal paste with NT-H1.

The h100i is the "benchmark" most coolers are going to be judged against due to there massive popularity with overclockers... but personally I've had great success with the corsair h90 (140mm rad 1 fan) and Thermatake hydro2preformer (120mm rad 2 fans in push pull). However if your currently on a stock fan even a cheaper air cooler like a cooler master hyper212evo will be a huge difference, especially if you mount a second fan on it.

+ 1

Just to add - Download ThrottleStop and disable C-States either in your bios or using TS. Also make sure you have enough Pri Plane to sustain those clocks and you'll be golden.