Can a FX8350 kill 2 motherboards and then have that dead motherboard kill a FX6300? Or vice versa. I know for a fact I have 2 dead mobos but I’m not sure about the cpus.
FX8350 can kill a motherboard when the said,
motherboards vrm isn´t up to spec.
So yeah my question, which boards?
asrock 990fx extreme 3 and a msi 970a g46
Well yeah the vrm´s on both those boards are pretty poor.
So a FX8350 could indeed burn them out when pushed.
Would they kill the fx6300 as well after the fact?
its highly unlikely that a cpu can destroy a mobo but it can happen as mystery angel has stated.
if something is destroying your mobos then the first thing i would suspect is a flaky power supply,
some psu’s may not be able to handle large spikes or brownout conditions. and may tax the regulating circuits in the psu.
excessive heat buildup can cause a cpu to fail hence the need for good cooling.
exceeding the upper limit threshold on overclocking and lower threshold limit in under-powering a cpu can also cause its failure…
catastrophic failure of a mobo can indeed destroy a cpu, hdd, ssd, memory, onboard video, usb, and other interfaces on the board
If the failure mode was a short instead of an open then sure.
It was odd how the rig quit. I had just did a reinstall of windows and was installing drivers and it froze when I did a hard restart I got nothing board swap nothing cpu swap same thing. The rig was a ocz game extreme 850 coolermaster 120 liquid cooler funny thing is everything other said parts still work.
Well the thing with those boards are,
not only the vrm is pretty weak for a FX 8 core cpu.
A FX 8 core cpu can pull allot of current.
Not only could it burnout the vrm´s mosfets, but also the copper wires,
inside the pcb will get extremely hot.
And those can burnout as well.
And yeah then it could kill other cpu´s.
But of course it would good to know, how you managed to,
kill the boards in the first place?
Did you overclock the FX8350 or something?
Nope I knew the vrm’s were weak so I didn’t age of the board maybe? I did buy is new when the fx8 came out.
its a good possibility they just aren’t compatible, even if the website claims it.
it might be a good time to file a complaint with tech support,
(that usually gets their attention on the subject, and no company likes a bad product review)
mah at the age of these parts I doubt they will care. Tho I did do a bios update on the asrock not too lonn before it quit hmmm.
Well of course if you just boaght it, definitelly rma the stuff.
But the FX8350 and am3+ platform is eol hardware.
Msi 970A G46 and Asrock 990FX extreme 3 should,
be both vishera compatible out of the box.
Are you sure both boards are dead by the way?
No cpu fan spin, no leds?
The 990 has no sign of life the 970 only has the phase led’s and go’s from 2 phase to 4 phase and back to 2.
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