I am building a computer for gaming and video editing. With some game deving mixed in(im learning how to code). I was looking at the i5 2500k. But after looking around would i just be better with some amd cpu. There cheaper and have the same amouont of cores. Now this is my 1st build and i am a nood. are there benefits to the i5 besides the over clocking? Or would i be fine with a amd and saving some cash to get a 1440 display
Hmm sure amd cpu's are cheaper but i your doing it for a 1440p monitor i would say dont! The 550ti aint gonna be able to run very much on that kind of res at all =/ also intel cpu's are better core per core performance anyway my man.
I'd go for a 1980x1200 (24") monitor. As for the CPU... idk. Intel is the hot product, and AMD are for cheapoes and weirdoes (so to speak). I don't know how AMD performs in coding and such, but from what I hear AMD FX-users are happy with their setups... at least they're not complaining.
It's too easy for people to say "Go Intel" because they are good at everything. I'm personally having a hard time finding a reason for me to go with AMD Bulldozer. I'm sure Bulldozer is good at something, exept for being cheaper than Intel. Maybe someone can tell me because I don't know.
I mean a 2560x1440 monitor. I look around and it said the 550 would handle that red. The Res is more for video editing and my dev work for more screen space. If I had to turn out down a bit for games that would be fine.
But from the sounds of it I should stick with the i5
I stand corrected, just never heard people call them 1440 monitors, I usually hear them by the full res spec, sorry, if you edit videos then I reccomend a Ivy bridge CPU if you're not going to overclock, a 3570 or a 3770, they don't have to be the K version since you're not going to overclock
550ti will never game at that res, it will run the aero desktop at 60fps fine but games will murder it. To give you an idea at 2560x1600 in BF3 with high details you will need sli 580s to stay close to 60 fps.