I plan on playing Battlefield 3 multiplayer, 720p medium/low settings no AA, no overclocking.
Im new to this, if it were a Intel build it would be easier for me but im going for AMD CPU/Mobo
My question is what Motherboard and GPU would be compatible with this CPU
AMD Phenom II x4 965
Link to amazon please
budget $200
you have a budget of 200 for the motherboard alone and you're getting a amd chip for gaming? you do know that you can get a ivy setup that will perform BETTER for the SAME price right
200 for mobo and gpu.
for intel i was thinking
i3 2100
Gigabyte GA-h61m-ds2 micro atx
radeon 7750
and for amd
pheom ii x4 965 black edition
asus m5a97 atx
radeon 7750
wouldn't bf3 benefit from the quad core?
My total budget is $425 (amazon) consisting of CPU,Mobo,GPU,Case,Power supply and RAM. If you want i can link you to the amazon wish list i made (w/help of a friend) with the AMD build all under $425.