CPU for video editing, deciding between 4 and 6 core?

I use Premiere Pro. I'm deciding between the 5820k and the 4970 (non-k, I do not OC my hardware at all.)

The difference in price is quite substantial due to the X99 motherboard and DDR4 ram. Is it really worth it?

Just to add that the price difference with me switching from 1155 to 2011 and from DDR3 to DDR4, is £200/$304 or so. I need to know if it'll be worth it.


Thanks everyone!

It really depends on your source footage and your workflow.  If you're not editing 2k+ footage with a high number of tracks then you can choose the 4970. Otherwise the 5820k will be a better choice for larger footage. This is assuming however that you have sufficient ram (16GB) and sufficient disk speed (400MB+) to output to. If you can provide us with more information about your current workstation and workflow it would help in giving a better recommendation.

My workstation isn't built yet but the plan is to have 16GB ram (2x8GB) and eventually upgrade to 32GB. I'm not sure about the disk speed as I'll only be using hard drives, SSDs are affordable or reliable enough for me.

The best I could do for footage is an SSHD. What'd you think?

if you are doing allot of heavy rendering then a 5820k with quadchannel ram will be worth it in my opinnion.

You can get away with HDDs, the more beefy workstations will use multiple HDDs in RAID with fault tolerance, RAID 5 or 6, or just use a RAID 0 with the project files on a separate drive and archival backups on hand should something kick the bucket. But that's assuming its in your budget. However, if you aren't working with footage that exceeds 8-bit 1080p 30fps then that extra speed isn't going to be fully utilized.

What kinds of camera footage do you plan to be working with? Also how advanced do you see your timelines becoming, thin and simple with a few tracks or tall with multiple tracks and lots of meticulous cuts?