CPU fan at 100% at all times

I recently got a motherboard, cpu, ram, the MACS cpu fan and an nvidia 8800 gtx for free from craigslist. The person that gave them to me told me that everything works and it should be good to go. I have a spare PSU that works + a case and a hard drive so I decided to build the pc. The pc works perfectly except the CPU fan is always at 100%

I don't know how to stop the cpu fan from running at a constant 100%, take a look at the imgur album for bios settings and pictures.

4 sticks of 1gb each patriot memory
intel core 2 duo e6600
http://www.legitreviews.com/monsoon-ii-active-tec-cpu-c... (cpu fan)
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E168... (mobo)
500 watt psu

please help <3 also if this is the wrong place for the topic im sorry :(

link for cpu fan broken

You are missing wires on the cpu fan connector that controls speed. if you unplugged the wire coming out of the fan and the fan didn't shut off that is impossible unless the fan gets power from another source.
How many wires/ cables are coming out of that blue fan?

Check out the wires from the pictures, i tried to outline all of the cpu wires with a purple outline

http://imgur.com/a/MR9MR more pictures

Okay, that is one odd setup. it looks like the motherboard will not be whats controlling the fan speed it is the other box in the photo you have. and the wire that goes to the motherboard is so that the bios doesn't freak out because no fan is plugged in.

are there any options on that thing to control fan speed?

No, its just C or F and color change :( this is so weird :c

Some postings say that type of cooler isnt really for 24/7 kind of use.

I would say to not use that cooler.

not same thing but same type of cooler.

Yeah i guess i could buy a stock intel cpu cooler from ebay but if anyone else knows how i can fix this id much appreciate it!

Any chance there is a conflict with fans speed control software you may have? I had same problem where fans went 100% and was due to the fan control suite and bios fan control settings. Deleting the suite resolved it.

Definitely no because this problem was happening even before i freshly installed windows 7 on the pc

Remove macs fan completely, place that fan controller in the bin. Buy 4 pin fan of same size of original (looks like a 92mm), install new fan, plug fan into cpu header. Turn on & do cartwheels.