CPU drop

I'm having problem with my AMD FX-8350 Processor.

Whenever I boot my computer after being shut down for a while, my processor drops to 0.64 ghz, down from 4,00Ghz, then I have to restart my comp and it works fine again.

Can anyone help me with this? A little frustrating to have to boot your computer twice before you can use it properly.


Heres a pic if it helps http://oi43.tinypic.com/210kg3p.jpg



NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 Ti

750W PSU

16GB Ram

MSI 990FXA  - GD80 Motherboard

AMD FX - 8350 Eight Core 4.0GHz





It seems the bios is trying to set some settings on the cpu that dont work out (at all).

try resetting to default configuration, or try setting it to something that would definetly work, or hell, update/reflash the bios, see if that works out.


Edit, sorry totally wrong I didnt see the picture.

Can you monitor voltages (and your reference clock with the multiplyer if possible) ?

Because it seems that the multiplyer AND the referenceclock are dropping when that happens, which is weird.

FX-8350 will never drop below x7 multiplier. I don't think this is his issue. I would place my bets on his sensor data from the motherboard being erroneous.

yeah, you're probably right. doenst make any sense otherwise..