Hey I am currently attempting to build my first computer. It is going to be a gaming and general work build. I was wonnecessity out the importance of having a CPU cooler specifically on this build, and if so what are some good options for one. It is unlikely that I will be over clocking much due to my inexperience but there may be a time in the future when I want to.
Here is the build, any suggestions or advice is welcome and appreciated since this is my first time and I likely have made some mistake.
ps. Don't nitpick about the monitor and keyboard stuff I just threw something in there to get an idea of complete costs.
If you are going to overclock a bit in the future i would recommend you to get a Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO.
This is the best bang for buck cooler you will ever find, very good solution for budget builds.
Good luck with your build! :)
You don't want to get that cooler. For another $10, get a Cooler Master 212 Evo. Great cooler for the money, and you can get a decent overclock without a sweat.
Thanks for the advice, I saw that the Hyper 212 evo was highly rated but I just had no real basis to make a choice on.
If I don't overclock would an aftermarket cooler make any difference at all?
Seriously get anything within your budget almost anything is better than stock heatsink