So I've been playing BF4 and my fps Is dropping from 80 to 45-50 every now and then with no explosions going off on Low, Med and High settings.. All my other games are somewhat fine with fps but It's been bugging me becauase I know I should be getting more fps with no spikes.
yeah , some will argue, but even a 8350 will bottle neck all the 900 series nvidia cards. is your cpu at 100% when gaming? also depends on the game alot.
I had a FX6300, that mobo and cooler with 2 AMD HD7950s crossfired and found a pretty good boost overclocking to 4-4.2 ghz over stock clocks. You might want to give that a try.
not to threadjack, but mystery, have you tried this on your amd? mine is not setup at the moment for gaming and I am super curious. pistol I think might also be trying it. << that thing, apparently.