I'm working on getting everything together for my second build. This build is strictly for gaming. I currently have everything except for my CPU and GPU. Looking for some opinions on what my best choices would be with $400 left in my budget. Keep in mind I already have an AMD mobo, so an intel CPU isn't an option. My original decision was to go with the FX 8350 and radeon 7870 but I'm second guessing myself. Would I be better off going with the FX 8320 or 6350 and pairing it with the GTX 760? At what point is the CPU going to start holding the GPU back? Although I have done quite a bit of research I would like to get some solid facts to help me make the best decision.
CPU: AMD FX-8350 4.0GHz 8-Core Processor ($184.99 @ NCIX US)
Video Card: HIS Radeon HD 7950 3GB Video Card ($209.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $394.98
The fx 6300 actually rivals the 8320. Don't ask me how a 6 core can almost outperform an 8 core but it almost does. If you can swing the 6350 then get it. For a graphics card check out the his ice-q 3gb gddr5 hd 7950. Excellent card. It comes OCed and it is an absolute beast for 210 dollars right now. That will probably be around 330 - 350 dollars for both. You can get an r9 280x for around 310 dollars right now. Total will be 450 dollars. Do what you want, man. The 7950 is great for next gen gaming. The consoles specs are looking like a 7850 or maybe an oced 7990. This thing will be great for gaming for the next 3 to 4 years. You can't go wrong.
Where did you find this? Because an 8320 is just a lower binned 8350, just like how the 9370 and the 9590 are higher binned they are all the same processor just binned differently.