Coursework Help, Please

I'm not sure if this is supposed to be in code, but here it goes. And no this isn't the day before it's got to be handed in, its not for three weeks.

Information given.

The strings in this question is stored as 8-bit ASCII

What is the length of the null-terminated string that starts at location 94A0?

That position in the hex memory dump has '53' stored.

I think that the this value in ASCII is 'S' but i'm not sure how that helps me answer the question, Thanks.

you have the questions. but what are the questions about? is there supposed to be a code or something?

Like I said I wasn't sure if this was supposed to go in code, the questions are about ASCII and hexadecimal encoding/decoding. The information I have provided is all I have to go on.

So would that make 

"The strings in this question is stored as 8-bit ASCII"

The question..?

If so, you would need to find the length of the null-terminated string that starts at location 94A0, in the first sentence.

The question is:

What is the length of the null-terminated string that starts at location 94A0?

(That position in the hex memory dump has '53' stored)

You start at that location in memory, and count the number of bytes until the null terminator (00h) including the terminating byte. So for example:

char message[] = { 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', '\0' }; // "hello"

If message == 0x94A0, the memory at that location would look like:

94A0h: 68 65 6C 6C  6F 00 00 00

So counting from the byte 68h at 94A0h:

  1. 68 : 'h'
  2. 65 : 'e'
  3. 6C : 'l'
  4. 6C : 'l'
  5. 6F : 'o'
  6. 00 : '\0' (null terminator)

That's 6 bytes including the null terminator. The rest after that is not part of the string.

 The null byte counts because it takes up a byte and is generally necessary to be able to tell when the string ends.


Thanks for your help. That make a lot more sense than what I was taught. Again thank you very much.