Hello! I have a Maximus VI Formula and I had a few questions about it.
1) Is the m.2 slot worth using for my OS instead of my HyperX SSD or will there not be enough of a speed difference to make it worth spending the money on? Also if it is worth using what M.2 drive would you guys suggest that has a good price to performace ratio?
2) Im planning on using the crosschill VRM watercooling block that comes on this board (Yes Im aware of the dangers of using a nickle plated aluminum block in my loop so no hating on that plz) but I saw that EK actually makes a VRM/Southbridge watercooling block set for this motherboard. Now I it would be prefereable to have a staright nickle block for the VRM but is the SB block more of looks or will it really benefit from also being watercooled? Ive had problems with the VRMs overheating and causing throttling issues while overclocking in the past on other boards but I dont think Ive had any such issues with the southbridge.