Counter Strike GO worth the money?

Is CS Go worth the money or should i just wait?

I'd say wait for the upcoming Christmas sale. It usually drops to about $7.49, and IMO it's definitely worth that much if you like competitive first person shooters.

I got cs complete for 10 bucks.

Get CS:GO when it's on sale (it goes on sale often). It's a great game. Its worth the full price ($14?) if you have the time and want to play it immediately.

Lots of players, many little "extras" weapon skins and the like. The core gameplay has not really changed in years. Personally I couldn't give a rats arse about the fluffy stuff weapon skins or crate drops or any of that fluff and nonsense. However I understand how the modern audience expect that type of thing. Sorry I'm an old school fps gamer, as such I play Day of Defeat source. I like the WWII weapons, it feels more pure somehow. Just you and your rifle with a pocket of nades. 

Sure it's worth it.  But still, holiday sale is coming up in a week or so, just wait till then and pick it up on discount.

It's worth the full price too. But it's gonna drop to like $5 during the Christmas sale so just wait for that.

If you're still big into CS:S like me, and don't really care about the new stuff maybe not. But if you don't own CS:S or the original then go ahead when the sale is comming


I honestly do think less of Valve after how they have changed this game in the past year. Maybe get it in the CS bundle or Valve collection; not separately.

Really, just get Insurgency instead. Sales often take it down to about $6 or so, and it has a better community. Still a Source game, still a lot of modability, still terrorists vs counter-terrorists (insurgents vs security here), and still well balanced without all of the silly cartoony-ness of CS. Also, the co-op modes in the game are terrific if you ever find yourself not up to team matches.

+1 but there is no competitive side to it , and that's a deal breaker for me .

What does that mean? The competitive game modes are always populated.

Unless you mean e-sport level competition. The pro e-sports stuff is still fledgling because the game still doesn't exactly have the proper functionality for that, but that's something currently being developed. There have already been tournaments and such but I haven't heard much about it in a while.

It's hardly competitive when everybody is hacking.


I got into it 6 months ago and really tried to become good at the game, then I saw have many people actually hack in high ranks.

Hmm, its $10 bucks right now. Should I wait to see if it keeps dropping in price? ;)

Check thats where i get my games, i got insurgency, csgo, far cry 3, and like 10 gold battlepacks for bf4 for 20 bucks

well it finally dropped to $7.49, I figure it wont go below that so I picked it up

Entirely depends on the games you like, I already dropped 300 hours into go. Well worth the money I spent on it.

If you're a FPS gamer and play on PC sure! IF you only plan to play less than a dozen times in a year. You might be better of playing other games. IMO i would never play a game that's same as the last revision CS 1.5? Anyways that's just my 2 cents, but if it's on sale for under 3 dollars I might bite.