Okay I was just wondering If you guys could give some sugjestions for a gmaing pc. I like to play Fps and Minecraft. What would be the best pc I could get for $750 including Windows?
Do you need keyboard/mouse/monitor?
This is what I would get. There are ways in which you could allocate more money to the GPU, but I think this is quite balanced.
Or you can have this:
Which would be cheaper without those mail in rebates.
I would suggest saving a little more, scouring for deals and buying a PC that will last for a decent amount of time. With the tech required to play a game like Battlefield 4 on the market, you can expect the parts to start dropping soon. I remember The Tek suggesting the 8350 and an ASUS Sabretooth combination. That should last you into next gen games. As for the graphics card, I cannot make a suggestion, I have only been hands on with a 8800GTS, GTX580, Radeon 4870x2, and a Geforce 9000 series(cant even remember). I prefer coolermaster for PSU and Corsair for RAM. I would suggest 700W or higher for your PSU, look for a single 12V rail on it.
The most valuable thing you can do when purchasing a computer is to learn parts and determine actual worth. Compare products, learn what makes one superior to another. Look at benchmarks and make an educated decision, always remember that benchmarks are not always done equally.
Thank you a lot I made some modifications to the builds you put in. This is what I cam up with http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1WaLt
Yup. That's fine. Much of it is down to preference. Personally, I prefer Win8 for the performance boost. But Win7 has better backwards compatibility.
Good choice of heatsink.
The one change that I would really really suggest following, is going with the XFX 550 that I suggested. It's much higher quality than the Cool Max. Very important that you get a good power supply, because a bad unit will degrade your components. 550W is sufficient for any high-end GPU with overclocking. With the suggested parts, you could probably utilise a 450-500W. The 550W is just for upgrading purposes.
At a stretch, you might fit this 7950 into your budget.
The 7950 is an awesome card. Complete solution for ultra gaming + mods.
Ok the reason that I want a Higher watt PSU is that I would like to drop a second gpu later when I get the Money.
http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1WbjK Sorry.
Thank you for all your help.
That's up to you, but I wouldn't compromise on quality.
I know that crossfire/SLI setups sound great, but all you really need is one GPU. By waiting to add a second GPU, we will be nearing the launch of better graphics cards, with more technology.
I dislike MSI motherboards for AMD processors. I'd stick with the ASUS M5A97. However, the G46 is kinda ok. Don't get the G43.
The FX6300 should come with its own stock cooler. You won't be able to overclock with it, but it will save you money.
With this build, it's all quality. BUT! I have been able to fit a 7970 in the budget. This is after the mail in rebates.
I guess this is a little more optimal:
The 7950 is better than the XFX 7950 that you chose. You can do a little better. I would suggest getting a good dual fan cooler. But with this build configuration you do have enough for a 750W PSU (a decent one), and a CPU heatsink.
Alternately, you could get a 8320 + 7950 for $780 after discounts and MIR: