Could this be the new flagship AMD card?

If it is, It looks extremely small, AND FANLESS!

But then... It IS wccf tech...


Looks like that is a radiator in the background. Radiators have fans. AMD has pulled this with their FX CPUs already.

and the 295x2

Well, yeah... Sorry. Let me rephrase that. There won't be any fan on the GPU itself. At least, in this setup, you can switch out the fan(s) for some quieter ones.

That is, if it's real.

Yeah, I know. I was just giving you a hard time. ;) It took me a minute to spot the radiator myself. It would be nice if it is truly that small. Lots more power for the mini itx builds.

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Can't wait to see what AMD is going to show us! The new AM4 chipset/CPU/ and GPU!!! Makes me all giddy inside! I really hope AMD pulls out the stops and comes back to the competition!

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"However we can’t confirm"

WCCF can't confirm how to find its own asshole in the dark with a map and a flashlight. Just more rumors to stir up the crazy.

I like the look of that first picture, and I do sincerely hope that the actual reference design is close to that because it does look good. Just not going to hype over a doctored image with a watermark on it from a perpetual rumor-mill of a tech site.

WCCF tech is a rumour mill.. THey get no info.. It is just for ad revenue and they are just a fucking hype train.. Not holding it against you but dont trust them.. WCCF was proved wrong by AMD... if you havent paid attention.. It is way to early for information like that

AMD is likely on their next round/ second round of hot chips.. AKA second level prototype.. They are still messing around with lithography and chip designs... for zen... as well as the GPU's...

Look AMD never ever gives info unless they have something.. anymore due to all the burning they got in the past

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